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  . . Music Mind | Vina and Voice . .



Although vina is a national symbol, it has now dwindled to insignificance. The majestic grandeur and the classical richness of the sound of the vina associating itself to human body and the voice needs to be revived. In an attempt to do this Brhaddhvani presents vina in several dimensions. One such is vina as the accompaniment to voice.

In the COMET method of teaching, the vina becomes the visual guide for the singer. Performing on the vina gives the right yogic posture to raise the energy levels to creative heights. It enables an exploration of the subtleties of nada, the tonal purity and stability in movement from the navel to the head.

Vina is tuned to the pitch of the voice, male or female. While training the voice, working with the vina helps fine tuning the voice to perfection.

Listening to the plucked sounds becomes a way of discovering the meaning of silence within - the ultimate purpose of music. The three-octave span of the vina becomes a potential model for voice range.




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