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Beyond Trdition

Within Tradition

Music Craft


At Brhaddhvani, we believe in the importance of preserving traditional crafts and craftsmen. The institution supports a master craftsman from Thanjavur, who has passed on his vina crafting skills to his family.

As a means to revive the dying art of vina and also to help these talented craftsmen, Brhaddhvani invited this family to Chennai. Today, from a peaceful workstation provided to them, Natarajan and his troupe of craftsmen have created around 3000 tamburas and about 1500 vinas. Founder, Dr.K.S.Subramanian has consistently worked with them in bringing improvements on the vina.

In order to perpetuate the craft of vina-making, Brhaddhvani offers courses in understanding the art of vina-making from both, a theoretical point of view as well as a hands-on experience with the master craftsmen.












Support to Veena Crftsmen - Palani Gets Honored

Veena Making


Brhaddhvani, 55, 3rd street, East Abhiramapuram, Mylapore, Chennai - 600004, INDIA
Tel 91-44-2498-8875 | E-mail

BRHADDHVANI is a non-profit registered organization with 80G tax exemption.
Your generous support and patronage to us qualifies for exemption from income-tax.











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